
My Jack Russell Terrier shakes and trembles every once in a while - any explanations?

My Jack Russell Terrier will shake and tremble from time to time for no apparent reason. It's not a temperature issue, because it happens mostly indoors in a warm environment. It also happens in very familiar environments for him, which I can't figure out. People always think he is freezing or scared, which is not the best reflection of me as a dog owner (even though I know he is feeling neither of those things).

Anyone have any information on this?


Speak to a qualified vet like me don't give answers here none of you know and are qualified to be giving advice what if it's distempa or parvo virus or dog not well and don't get tested for illness then dogs life is in danger . Just think!!!

My JRT shakes as well, but, it is her way of showing fear and exictment. Not because she's scared or cold most of the time it is happiness for her. She's very sweet and smart. I love this breed!

4 Answers

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Speak to a qualified vet like me don't give answers here none of you know and are qualified to be giving advice what if it's distempa or parvo virus or dog not well and don't get tested for illness then dogs life is in danger . Just think!!!


I regularly sit a Jack Russel that also does this, however, I have noticed that she tends to do it when she is excited by something. For instance, if she spots a squirrel through the window she will sit and stare and tremble. Also, if her ball is stuck under a table, couch, etc. she will lay down and stare at it and tremble. She sometimes does it when she really really wants to go outside. For her, it's just a reaction to excitement. She doesn't necessarily seem excited otherwise. It's like the outward containment of her excitement comes out through the trembles, haha.


it happens to many dogs. try giving him a spoon of kyro syruo


I looked this up and recommend reading this article (written by vets) It discusses causes, treatments, and other symptoms to help you determine whether your JRT may need medical care.


Shaking or trembling is quite common. There are two types shaking, one from fear of loud noises is common and shaking because they are just wired up. I had a Jack that would shake about twice per second when he slept. I called it idling. I have another that shakes when I start preparing for a walk