
What are the major signs your dog may be sick?

What are the major signs you need to take your dog to the vet if he is showing signs of illness?

5 Answers

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More information is needed to provide a more helpful answer, but you may find what you need at (written by vets). Of course, if your dog already has a vet and this is regarding a specific concern, I'd suggest calling. A good vet will not mind you explaining what the concerns are over the phone and will advise whether a visit is necessary, and if not will tell you warning signs to look for with regards to a specific situation.


My dogs eat a lot of grass when they are feeling sick and then throw it up a few minutes later. I have one dog who is always moving so when hes sick and down he will lay around and moan like a baby.


Pale colored gums are a sign of emergency! Change of weight, demeanor, energy level, poop pattern/texture, and change of eating patterns may be signs of illness.


If my dog stops eating or is uninterested in food/treats I know something is wrong. Lethargy is a good indicator of being sick. Diarrhea or vomiting that persists for longer than 24 hours.


Sick dogs don't like to eat much and they have low energy, just like sick people.


There are so many things that could factor into your dog being sick. Some warning signs may be: no appetite, unusual fatigue, sneezing, watery eyes, runny stool, constipation, and bloody stool.