
Issues with Craigslist ads?

I used the recommended formatting almost verbatim (with a sentence or two added). Nobody can tell me why. Has anyone else had this happen? I get a good bit of traffic from that ad, and I'm concerned about re-posting it now that it's been removed.


How long has the ad been running? I have repost mine every few days, or it goes off. I have had one response to my Craigslist ad in 6 months.

If you log in to your CraigsList My Account page/tab, you can renew it and edit from there until the date when CraigsList makes it inactive. Only other thing I can think of is somehow it got flagged by CL program for something program found objectionable or a CL user flagged for no reason.Try again.

Hi, thank you both! The ad was posted just over 1 week ago. I renewed it just yesterday. I had gone in and done some edits, saved, and clicked the link to "view your ad" and that's when it came up saying it had been flagged for removal. It wasn't that it expired, it got reported/removed.

We'd have to see your add, sometimes it's a specific thing you said, sometimes it's just someone going around reporting people. Most likely though someone felt you might've been in the wrong category?

I ended up reposting it without any edits other than the title (I wasn't sure if maybe the $x/night was seen as "misleading" when addt'l dogs/holidays change that?) I can post the link here. I didn't see that it was a violation but I'm gonna double check first to make sure.

I have found that people "report" or flag CL listings for all kinds of reasons, not all of which are valid. Maybe it was just a competitor. I would definitely take the price out of the title, especially if you have different rates for different services. Other than that, show us what you posted and maybe someone can help. I haven't used CL for this but I have used it for other things and don't really like it for personal safety reasons.

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