
"Until this request is archived or booked, you may not appear in search for these dates." What does this mean?

I am unable to go thru with one request as I will be out of the last couple of days of the stay. I messaged the owner and told him that if by chance he was coming back in town to definitely keep me in mind. But I'm unsure if I should archive the stay or not.

There's a message associated with the request that says "Until this request is archived or booked, you may not appear in search for these dates." Does this mean that I won't be searchable to other owners until I make a decision on this stay?

Thanks so much. I'm pretty new to this so I'm definitely still trying to get the hang of things.


1 Answer

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If you keep the message in your inbox, it will affect your search ranking. Just move it into the archive. Archiving is not a permanent thing. The customer can always contact you again even though the message has been archived.


Yes, you still have access to the message and the client even if the request has been archived. I've had several repeat customers contact me via their old messages.