
Does your calendar work?

Since the new setup I cannot put in any availability numbers on my calendar I got feedback from Rover staff and did exactly as they step by step told me. Still not working. Anybody else?

5 Answers

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Mine doesn't work anymore either. I just let the owner know I'm not available. I think it will work itself out soon.


Same here. Im calling Rover tomorrow. Nothing whatsoever happens when I click on a calendar day'


The number of available slots doesn't show up on the calendar anymore since there are multiple availability options (for example, maybe you have 2 overnight slots and 1 daycare slot open for a particular day), but it should still be accessible to you by clicking on each date just like before. Clients never saw the number of slots we had available anyway, so it doesn't affect their end.


If you have the Rover app, it will let you adjust the availability so that it actually shows up when you view on the computer. I have Android so I can't guarantee that it will work on another smartphone OS, but that's the only way I've been able to turn green days red.

It's definitely been annoying because no matter what browser I use, when I click a green day where I want to try again to mark it as unavailable, it basically confirms that I've already marked it as unavailable, but it still shows up green on multiple browsers as though I'm available. The Rover app is the only thing that will actually turn my unavailable days red, so I would recommend trying to manage your calendar through that if you can!


Mine was completely erased with the recent updates. However, I was able to go in and mark the unavailable dates.


I updated mine yesterday and had no problem. Are you using Google Chrome? Sometimes your web browser can affect the usability.