
Should I tell the owners their dog ate two pairs of my shoes?

The owners have only had this dog a short time and unforeseen circumstances necessitated them getting a sitter for this weekend. She's a rescue and fairly timid. She's had two accidents (throwing up and also peeing while laying down on our couch) that I'm definitely going to tell them about because they suggest bigger issues that need to be addressed, but she also tore up two pairs of my shoes. What would you do in this situation? Ask for reimbursement? Let it go? Thanks for your help on this...

2 Answers

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For me, that would depend on two things:

1) The price of the shoes - Were they from Target or were they Manolo Blahniks? Were they worth Rover's $250 deductible? If so, by all means let the owners know and then claim them. If not, it sounds like there are several other issues that need to be discussed; sometimes it's better to let the least important thing slide (no offense meant to your footwear).

2) Your relationship (or desired relationship) with the pet owner - You are right, they need to know about the other behaviors of their pet; however, you don't want them to feel like they're being beat up. If you never intend to accept this dog into your home again they probably deserve to know the whole story. If not, keep it to yourself and hide your shoes next time.


This dog is new to her so I would definitely let her know what the dog did. This is something she should be aware of. I wouldn't tell them as if I were asking for reimbursement for the shoes but as information. I have told owners about their dogs negative behavior but just as a heads up so they will know next time. I tell them, "hey, Rover did this but I am just letting you know because I know you haven't had him for too long so I thought you might want to know in case you need to inform anyone who might be taking care of him in the future." Next time the owner will know to tell the other sitter (if there is another sitter) that Rover likes to chew on shoes and they might want to hide them. Most owners are appreciative of the information just as long as you don't sound accusatory.