
can i meet some sitters in advance?

how can i plan or figure to leave my little big man dog without knowing in advance who the sitter is??

I would like to meet one or two sitters



You should meet all of the sitters you plan on having your dog stay with. The Way rover does this is they really encourage a sitter to do whats called a "meet and Greet" that way you see the sitter and the home so you can gauge stuff like is the water clean, do they have a barrier like a second pet door before the regular front door so that your dog cant just run out and thats it. So yes dont let anyone tell you that you have to book or pay to meet them. Thats a bad business practice and does not agree with that behavior. So you have to be diligent in setting the rules for your stay.

3 Answers

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Both the answers above are excellent. In addition, it is common practice for owners to contact several sitters to schedule a meet and greet prior to booking a stay. That way, you and your dog(s) can see where they will be staying and get to know the sitter to determine if they are a fit for your situation. It's much like interviewing for a 9-5 job in that several candidates give you a choice. And try and do this as far in advance of your desired stay dates as possible, in case there is not a good match. This will give everyone time to make other plans if needed.


Meeting your sitter is actually a recommended practice here on Rover. Contact a few sitters whose profiles meet your needs and request a Meet & Greet. If you are looking for a place to board your dog, you will typically meet at the sitter's home or somewhere nearby considered a neutral location and you can discuss the sitter's practices, see their home, meet their dog (if the sitter has one) and discuss your dog's needs and your own expectations. If you are looking for a sitter to come to your home (a visiting sitter or one who stays overnight), you should also request a meeting. I do M&Gs all the time and I can't imagine that any sitter here wouldn't want to meet you and your dog before accepting a job. It's very easy and highly recommended. After you meet the sitters, then you book the job on the site.


Hi, What you described is commonly referred to as a meet & greet: you and your dog meet the sitter(s) and their dog(s) in advance of the booking and determine the best match. Just enter your zip code, dates of the possible stay (so you only will see available sitters listed), and the size of your dog (so you will only see sitters who would care for him). If you click more filters, you can also add other criteria. Then click to contact the sitters of interest. If you need help, Rover support can help.