
I have a customer that has a cat but no dogs, can she create an acount and pay thru rover?

I recently joined to get some housekeeping jobs but there is more dog sitting requests than other jobs. I have a customer who has a cat but no dogs. charges a monthly fee to connect you with people that need your services so they don't require that the customer pays with them, since I like the convenience of the team.


*I like the convenience of the team (The site is nowhere near as good!)

6 Answers

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My thoughts, not necessarily sanctioned by

Though there is no option to create a profile for a cat, there is also no reason a client could not create an account for one. In the interest of fairness, she should be very clear in her description of her pet as well as the pictures she submits that she has a feline instead of a canine.

Once the profile has been created you can charge her the same way you would charge for a dog.

To be absolutely clear you should probably contact Rover support. Let us all know the definitive answer!


I would definitely contact Rover support, at the very least to see if their insurance would apply to cats as well as dogs. I'm very curious to hear what they would say.


I definitely would--if you book your cat through Rover, you still have access to the Premium Insurance in case anything happens.


X.cats wecome


As Amber C. mentioned above, Rover WOULD allow access to premium insurance through their company. This actually goes for any animals (including rabbits) that you would have booked through Rover. I don't see a problem with it as long as they are upfront about the fact that they have an animal other than a dog that needs care taking.


one of my travel sitting customers has cats and a bunny in addition to her dogs dut only has her dogs in her profile. Should she add her other pets that I care for just in case?

Cats definitely should be added. Under the area where customers Add dog, there is a Breed drop down list where Cat is listed. Then photos and all other details can be added too. For bunny, I'd think it should be listed as other.


I own 2 cats and a dog, so I have investigated listing my cats under my profile. When adding a dog, there's actually a breed, 'cat', that someone must have added at some point, hehe. I did actually have both my cats under my profile at first, but then I realized this might get confusing and I might be charged for three dogs. But, because she only has one cat, I think she would have to use that, and then just have a clear cat photo, and when booking you or anyone else be sure to let them no that there are no dogs, just the cat, and then once she sends a request you can adjust the rate to cat care rate.


Cat care is a check box listed now under More Filters- then Services, So. Rover is definitely offering support and care for felines. Like Katie mentioned, if someone clicks add dog, under breeds drop down list is Cat, so details can be added. Shhh, don't tell the canines.