
is it customary to tip a walker? for each visit? what percentage?

Rover newbie in need of advice. What is the custom? Tip for each visit/walk? Only for big jobs or good jobs? What percentage of fee. Considering the walker sets their rate and picks their jobs, wondering how often this is done.


I usually do not get tipped...but do have great reviews. I have received cash tips only occasionally.

Dog walkers here can not pick their jobs. The client must send out requests.

1 Answer

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Yes, you can tip each visit if you'd like. Or weekly if you'd like. Just like you tip your hair dresser or your waitress, it's the same things, same process. My clients tip normally 20%. Occasionally some tip more and very rarely some tip less. But again, you are not required to tip your workers like waitresses or hair dressers or dog walkers. You tip if you are happy with the service provided.