That is just something that dogs do. They also might like to eat from the cat’s liter box and goose poop at the park. The easiest way to stop the behavior is to pick it up right away so there is no poop to eat when home, and monitor her environment when not at home and off leash.
It’s possible to out-train the behavior, but it takes a LOT of patience and time to get there. I’m not a professional but my thought is to treat it like any other thing on the ground she shouldn’t go for. Find some poop (not her own) or slice of cheese, hotdog, etc. On leash, start at a distance with a very high value treat. Closer you get, treat more often, until you can walk around it, very close, and she continues to ignore it. Don’t push her to get there in one training session. You’ll probably start, get 1/2 way to the poop, and end for that session. Next session, start where you left off, or further away. Good luck!!
Do not leave your dog with rover, I guarantee they will lose your dog, not pay for vet bills or the loss of your dog.