
Should I just let puppy eat feces if she gets aggressive when removed from it?

I have a 5mo bernese who eats her feces. I have tried pills the vet gave me, distractions, and she was just fed. When nothing worked, I took her by the collar to remove her from the feces and she got aggressive, growling and she bit my hand. She has never been aggressive like that before. Do I just let her eat her feces and not worry about it? She is not aggressive towards her food or even if the cat wants to eat her food. Thanks for your help.

2 Answers

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Here's a good article:…

I was going to suggest either spraying it with something that tastes bad, like that bitter apple stuff, or tossing a good treat to lure the dog away so you can pick it up and dispose of it. While I don't have specific experience with this problem, the only way I can get my dog to give up the bone he is chewing on is to toss a treat in another direction.


You need to train y our dog properly or hire a certified trainer. If you are scared of a 5 month old puppy, you're gonna have a real problem when the puppy grows up. Hire a trainer asap to teach YOU how to train your puppy and how to be a good owner.