
Does the ID tag given with the protection plan has a tracker that will give them your location?

It is my understanding that in the case that the dog gets lost the id tag will be activated so I can find the dog as soon as possible, Is this how it works or is it like a normal id tag? Also, if they know the location can I call them to see if its in my home: I keep misplacing it, once I though It was somewhere in my home and later on when a dog came back she had it in her collar in the next city over where the customer lives.

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The protection plan tag doesn't have a tracker in it. It's activated once the sitter adds the number on the back of it to their profile. The way it works, is if the dog is lost, the person who finds it can call the number on the tag, and the ID number on the tag is traced back to the sitter. Give support a call if you have additional questions--they can help!