
Our exterminator wants to put bait stations in our yard. Is there a danger to the dogs?

These are professional fully secure stations. I am wondering what happens if a dog gets hold of a poisoned rat.

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First ask your exterminator what rodenticide they are using and then discuss with your vet. Given that most rat poisons are a super version of Warfarin/Coumadin (anti-coagulants) that human heart patients are given, I would imagine it should also be considered dangerous to dogs.

The thing about bait stations is that the rats typically don't die nearby. They nibble and then zip off elsewhere looking for water. However, that doesn't mean that you will never find one on or near your premises and would therefore be a danger to your dog if it consumes the dead thing.


If you are boarding dogs or own dogs, it's an absolute danger. Not worth the risk, also a danger to other wildlife who might consume the poisoned rats.