
Why does Rover hold my customers' money for weeks in advance?

I have lost over $400 in bookings in the last month because owners saw they had to give Rover all the money weeks in advance. How about holding holding pet owners money for a week? It makes Rover look like all the other witless businesses run by hedgefunds. It is nothing like booking an airline ticket.


Yes, I totally agree!

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If your customers don't want to pay in advance, then tell them to book you closer to the actual date of service.

However, I do disagree with your assessment that this is "nothing like booking an airline ticket." It is exactly like booking a plane ticket. You want a seat on a certain date/time; therefore, you book it well in advance. Your credit card is charged immediately. If customers want a place for their pup and feel the need (especially for holiday periods) to get it settled in well in advance, then they need to pay for it.