
Why has my old dog suddenly turned on the new pup?

hello we just recently adopted a one year old husky we already had an eight year old mixed breed it took about two weeks for them to start playing my old dog was not happy about it but he finally came around but now this past week he keeps attacking the new dog he’s not just correcting him either he’s literally attacking him I’ve kept their food separate bones toys anything that can trigger him I let them sleep separate I try to make sure they get daily exercise and even amounts of love will he come around eventually I don’t know what to do thank you for your help


A rule of thumb ..the older dog should always be the top dog ...fed first ect..he's jealous of the puppy give the top dog attention first or equally he feels left out

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I would have the 8 year old checked out by a vet to see if there's anything medically going on. That being ruled out, the puppy is probably annoying the 8 year old so much that he doesn't know how else to get the point across to the puppy to leave him alone. So, you will need to separate them and start from the very beginning of VERY slow introductions to each other. Possibly after a while, the 8 year old will be able to tolerate the 1 year old, as long as the 1 year old learns boundaries with the 8 year old.