
Why long stays that include holidays are rated as holidays entirely?

When trying to book, every sitter has a list of holiday rates and the list holidays is given. The expectation I have as a pet owner is that for stays that contain holidays, only the days in the holidays list will be charged at the holiday rate but the entire stay is rated as an entire holiday.

One way to avoid this is asking the sitter to correct the rate but I would expect Rover to do a better calculation. The other option is to have multiple stays (before, during and after holidays).

Can the rate calculation be more accurate?

1 Answer

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Why would you assume that? When you book plane travel or hotels during a peak holiday period, do the hotels only charge you a higher rate on only the holidays themselves? No, they do not.

You really should check the rates at local boarding facilities in your area. During holiday periods, you are going to pay a higher holiday rate.

The way Rover's system charges for holidays is accurate and reflects the way it is done in the industry as well as other industries whose business has peak periods.


Interestingly, boarding facilities only charge you holiday rates during the holidays, and not for the entire stay. Thus my question. I didn't think about the travel/hotels industry when asking my question. I thought about boarding facilities, which is the closest service.

I don't know where you are located, but the boarding facilities where I live (a large city) do have holiday periods for which higher rates apply. When you go to a hotel during a peak holiday period, aren't you charged more for the whole time? That is totally analogous to boarding.

Here's a link to a boarding facility here. Please be sure to scroll down to the holiday section, which shows the range of dates.

That place was the first that came to mind. I am positive if I looked up others here I would find very similar pricing policies. Now that I am looking at their rates, I am thinking that I am quite a bargain!