
Rover 20 percent?

Don't you think there should be cap on the 20% booking fee that Rover takes? Some other organization will say we charge 20% but if it reached say $100 then rover won't take anymore. I feel like sitters miss out on so much money on their hardworking because Rover doesn't have a cap

3 Answers

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I'm afraid what we, the sitters, think doesn't mean anything to Rover, especially when it comes to the revenues it earns.


If you search this topic, there’s been lots of conversation about this.

My perspective is if you can source your own clients from outside Rover, you may choose to book them on your own and keep 100%. Then those who come from Rover, you’re earning business that you would not otherwise have because you did not connect with them despite your efforts (Distributing printed business cards, posting online on social media sites, possibly paying for other lead referral services, work from neighbors, word of mouth referrals, etc.). In that case, 80% is better than 0%.

If 80% of the booked total does not seem appropriate, I’d suggest considering raise your rate, while remaining in line with the local market.


I have messaged Rover about this and said that they are missing out on a lot of business from sitters going out on their own because it is hard work for the sitter and then Rover takes 20%. Not smart.