
How do you stop a one year old rescued pit bull from peeing inside?

I have a one year old pit bull we rescued from a shelter. He is not the first dog I have had, but, he is me first shelter dog. He has been doing better with going outside, but, he still pees inside no matter how vigilant we are to his needs. I make sure he's outside enough and sometimes it seems like he is just marking, but, I am not sure. He is healthy with no UTI problems, goes to the door most times he has to pee, but, sometimes even ten minutes after he has been out he just pees right in front of me out of no where. How can I teach him to stop peeing inside?

3 Answers

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Good thinking to check for a UTI! How long have you had him? Is he intact or neutered? When he pees in front of you, what happened just prior to that? Play time? Naughty behavior? Drinking/eating? Someone coming home? Etc... Are you giving a treat immediately after he goes potty outside? Try for two potties outside before coming in. I've had several trainers recommend a two-potty rule for males.
Is he crate trained? You could also try putting him in his crate as soon as you come in from pottying to prevent that immediate accident. I'd also recommend keeping him leashed to you when he's not crated. Lastly, don't wait for him to go to the door. Take him out every hour, and if he's still having accidents go out every 45 minutes. Keep us updated!


Thank you, I know from experience with me other dog what a UTI can do to them. We have had this lad since May of this year and we had him neutered. He is usually just walking around and then, boom there he goes again even if he had been let out twenty minutes prior. We initially gave him treats every time he went potty outside and then when he got the idea we stopped giving him treats and we just really praise him. I am not sure about taking him out every hour because a vet told me that their bladder has to be trained and if you take them out too much it could cause more problems. I have never heard about the two potties for males rule, I reckon I will try that and see how it helps. Thank you so much for your response, I was... (more)


Consider the fact that he is a rescue and you can't be sure of his history. Maybe there was some negativity with regard to going to the bathroom and he simply cannot help it. One of my dogs tinkles every time he's afraid and/or over excited. My suggestion would be that each time he goes outside, give a little love time before you bring him in. And if he doesn't go once he's in, give a little more. If he does go inside, no love time. Practically ignore him for a few minutes. He'll eventually get the connection. Make a real fuss, "good job!", etc... But not too much... too much excitement may ruin your efforts.


I agree he has a weird history, we have all noticed he seems like he has been through some rough times. We used to use treats at first to encourage him to go outside and now we just praise him when he goes outside. I have tried the ignore trick, but, maybe I should try a little more and make sure everyone else here is doing that as well. Thanks so much.


If he is pottying in the house I definitely would limit his freedom! Even though he's older and mostly trained he's in a new environment. Using a crate will teach him how to hold it while inside the house. Sometimes dogs need a refresher course of sorts. Make sure you are cleaning the spots up with an enzymatic cleaner to actually break down the smell so he doesn't think he's allowed to pee there like he would outside. If you don't have a "go potty" command I would start using one so he knows what is expected of him as soon as he goes outside once he goes then he can play or do whatever. Also, make sure you are keeping his feeding and potty times on a very strict schedule while doing all this. It helps you better estimate when he needs to go. I hope that helps!


Thank you so much for your response. We have kept him on a strict schedule for potty and feeding. I have been looking for the enzymatic cleaner and have not found one that is considered natural yet, I will keep looking though. Thanks again