
Can you help with your pricing structure?

I'm looking for a sitter to look after my dog from Tuesday 10th August at 8.30am, stay the night and look after my dog the next day till about 2.30pm. The cost is coming up as just over £32.00. Is that correct? Surely that's less than minimum wage? Am I missing something?

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Probably not. Sitters set their own rates and define exactly how they are going to perform a service. Unfortunately, house sitting is subject to the most varied interpretation, Also, your request exceeds the "nightly" guideline and Rover's system is only starting to take into account stays that exceed 24 hours. I am not saying that Rover's system cannot handle multiple days but yours goes from 8.30 am to 2.30pm on the last day, which is 6 hours over a single night's charge.

Regardless, the sitter that you looked at might only provide a service where he/she only stays at your home overnight from, say, 7 pm to 7 am or thereabouts. They may charge a la carte for walks or drop-in visits during the day. All of these things you must ask each sitter you interview. What do they provide for their "nightly" charge and how much time will they be in your home with the dog? How many walks, etc.? There's also a matter of the 6 hour overage. They could tack on a flat fee for that time.

In general, the higher the fee, the more time the sitter should be expected to be in your home providing care. You need to contact a few sitters, interview them, and tell them what are your expectations.