
How to get new clients?

I am having a difficult time getting even my first clients and do not have Facebook to promote my page? I would prefer not to post a craigslist, I do not know what to do.

3 Answers

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The pet care industry has been hit very hard by the pandemic, many are working from home, very few are traveling so that equates to few bookings if any at all. My last Rover booking was in December and it was the only one since March of 2020. Best of luck as it's not easy right now, but don't get discouraged as we will pick up over the Spring and Summer.

I'd stay away from Craigslist and Facebook rarely helps sitters attract new clients.


I am also relatively new to rover and I have also had no clients just a few requests but they have had to cancel for private reasons plus with the pandemic, not many people are traveling but that will pick up in the summer hopefully. I have learned some ways to attracts clients here are some things you could add/do.

1) You could lower the price a little but that is if you please, if it's already low then don't worry about changing it.

2) Add more photos if you feel comfortable. I know I love seeing photos on people's sitter pages.

3) Get lots of testimonials! This is something I still need to do because the more reviews you have the more likely someone is going to reach out to you.

4) Put posters out or use word of mouth to attract clients.

Never feel like giving up because as said above the pandemic has hit rover and many others hard but that will soon pick up in summer with everyone traveling again. So hopefully by the end of summer, you will have a handful of loyal clients.


It took me over a year to get established and right before the pandemic I was busy like crazy with a highlighted profile. I didn’t do anything special as I had a full time job this was just a side gig. But with patience I slowly got a few clients over time. Photos and customer service with 5 star reviews are essential. If you don’t have clients yet, perhaps you have photos of you with your own pet or friends pets. Take a little time taking nice photos though don’t just take a quick snap. Consider it like a marketing ad!