
anyone know of any good skunk deterrents?

We have an overly curious skunk problem that needs to be addressed. Any ideas welcome?

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Hi -- I have a friend who is in wildlife rescue and rehab. She said that skunks are most active this time of year because it is when they are mating, nesting and having babies -- it is a little early, in your area, I think but. She said to know, if you call a wildlife "nuisance" company that "wildlife removal companies kill what they trap, esp if it is a RVS (rabies vector species). By law, they are not allowed to move it/them to another area for fear of spreading rabies." and "The young are with their mother for about 3 months after birth. Don't know how big these babies are so can't really tell you when they might move on. The biggest thing is that people need to take up their outside cat food. If the mother can't find a food source, she will move on." If you do a Google search, you will find lots of repellants.