
how to complete my dashboard?

I just made my account and I'm so excited to be approved and start dog sitting. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with my Dashboard. I finished two out of the four steps, Making my account and passing the background check.

I'm just waiting for friends and family to write testimonials. I have posted 12 pictures to my account. I think the pictures closely following all the rules.. I have an old picture of me and my dog, that passed last year. I couldn't find recent pictures of us together plus she was a big dog so I can't really do the pose in the example picture. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with my pictures can anyone tell me?

2 Answers

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Your profile looks pretty good. You aren't required to have a photo of you and your dog nicely posed for the camera. If you want to get one, you may need to have a third person there, getting the dog's attention so she is facing forward. One person taking the photo and another dangling or shaking a toy, something that will interest the dog. You don't need two almost identical pics of you with your boyfriend and the one of your boyfriend with Lexi, which is captioned how you couldn't keep her.

The written portion of your profile has many good points but I would downplay your current lack of availability. Your limited schedule may be a hindrance to getting jobs. Just keep your calendar up-to-date and emphasize how you are committed to taking care of a customer's pet on your days off. Good luck!


thanks so much for the tip!!


It looks like your profile published, if you haven't gotten any requests making your price lower than most sitters in your area will make yours appear in their results first when filtered by price, and will help get reviews.

Different places have more demand for dog sitting in your home as opposed to in their home so that might be a factor in getting requests too.

Sometimes it takes a while to get a request, just give it time.