
What happens if i forgot to stop the time when i left?

I accidentally forgot to stop the time. I was there for 45 minutes but i didn't stop it until 3 hours later.

4 Answers

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Why do I have to push a map on dog walks? Twice it has been pouring rain when I’ve done dog walking, in which the owner requested I only take out to bathroom and then continue the remainder of the time playing indoors.


It would be really nice if Rover App allowed the edit feature for stops (it could be shown as an edited stop time along with the original app time). My phone died during a walk and it kept logging the time for hours after (at least it didn't stop the walk). I finally noticed it was still going, but it made the information in the doggy daycare Rover Card all wrong.


Nothing happens. You will not be punished, and your money will not be taken away from you. You can message the owner and tell them you forgot to stop the time. Most of people don't even care. But it's best to always communicate with owners and be honest with them.


HaHa, it's happened to all of us!! All you can do is tell the client OOPPPSS! A few years ago it happened to me and it was almost 12 hours later when I noticed. Both the client and I had a good laugh