
Can I see my testimonials?

Where are the testimonials past clients have written about me?


Amazing work

1 Answer

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A testimonial is written by friends when you are starting out to help you build your business.

A review is written after a stay is completed. Once a review has been submitted by a customer you will be notified by and a link will be included so you can see the review.

If you wish to see the review on your profile - go to "Profile", then "Overview", then under "Mary T's Profile" click "View." At that point you should be able to see everything a client sees.

Sometimes I log out and search my own zip code to find myself - it's kind of like Googling yourself. Unnecessary, but kind of fun.


Interesting - thanks. I searched on both my zip codes and did not find myself.... :( I also do not see reviews on my page when I'm logged in.

ok -- thanks again -- I found them!! Persistence pays off. But I do wonder why searches on 48220 and 48221 do not show me....