
What do you require clients to show you as far as vaccination records? Can you call their vet and ask about vaccination records?

Vaccination question

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No vet is going to release a dog's records to anybody but the owner. These days, many veterinarians allow their clients to access records online. They can easily print you a copy of the last visit where dates should be provided for all shots, etc. Some have downloaded and emailed them to me.


Actually, you can call the vet to confirm vaccinations. Just tell them who you are and that you will be boarding the dog as a Rover sitter. There’s no HIPPA for animals. You’ll need the dog’s name and the owner’s full name.

We ask our clients to always bring the records but sometimes they forget or don’t have them handy. In that case we will call the vet to get confirmation. We rarely have to do that because most of our clients are really good about bringing records and our regulars update us when their pups have new shots usually without us having to ask. 👍

As for what we require, Rabies (obviously) and Kennel Cough are a must since we sometimes have multiple dogs at the same time.