
I work four days at a job. How can I enter specific times of my availability on those days?

On the days I work, I have limited availability. How do I include that on calendar so clients know my times available?

2 Answers

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The calendar features are very limited and won't support the option you wish to show. Rover allows you to indicate blocks of time you are available but that isn't displayed to any potential clients or factored in any search criteria. You could put something in your about me section of your profile but many potential clients probably won't even notice. Hope things go well for you.


This is definitely something that needs to be changed on Rover’s end. For so many of us, this job works around another one, and the schedule should reflect that. It makes no sense that we can’t set our availability specific to days of the week. For example, I have full-day availability every Wednesday, but only half-day availability every Thursday. There needs to be a way to adjust this in my calendar settings.