
Why is my dog suddenly peeing on the bed?

My mini dachshund has suddenly started to pee on the bed, but only on my side. Never pees on my fiancé’s side. She has peed on my side of the bed, my favorite pillow, my blanket and just tonight ON ME. Is she mad at me? Is she acting out? Is she sick? Any answers are very much appreciated.

2 Answers

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Hi Laksha, I see this was posted a few weeks ago, so hoping that you are not still experiencing more of the same. But, just in case....the first thing to rule out, is this a medical issue such as a urinary tract infection? However, with the very specific soiling she is doing it sounds behavioral. I've seen this more with cats relaying messages, than dogs, but it does sometimes happen with dogs, too. If you haven't already, when you clean up the areas she has went on use a urine odor eliminator to detour her from the same spot by smell. Also look at any recent changes in your home, or routines. Even something small that was a big part of your dog's life can be upsetting to them, such as changing where they eat, etc. Dog's love their routines. Are there any new people or animals in your home? Has your time or interactions with her changed? Just questions to ask yourself as you see the world through her eyes. Hoping that this is already resolved so you are your companion are back on the best without all the mess! ;)


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