Extra time for sitting and how to adjust?

Rover doesn't require customers to put in their times of travel for booking sitting, which can be problematic. If you have someone that expects you to be there at 8am, yet leave at 8pm the day they get back, 1. you are doing 12 hours of sitting for free (a full day rate), and you have to take it upon yourself to ask them to pay extra when there's really no way to do that in the app, and 2. Your next client may expect you at their house the same times you're supposed to be at the previous house. You can let someone book you but there's no way to charge that extra day or several hours through Rover, and many times customers don't understand that they can't let you know at the last minute that you have to arrive at a certain time. There should be a way to fix this in the app or some way that Rover allows their sitters to deal with it legitimately rather than just asking for extra money or booking an extra day on top of the booking.