
How do I search for a sitter that accepts a breeder male?

It is hard to search for sitters that will accept a non-neutered dog. It is not in the choices by dog owner.


Karen gave the answer but you can also try reaching out to sitters of whom you like the profiles. I have a preference to not take intact males or females but I do make exceptions. It really depends on the other dogs I have booked and the dog. Good Luck!

1 Answer

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Unfortunately there is not a search filter. You would have to look at each sitter's profile because it will show preferences for those types of things and there are many, many sitters who have no problem accepting intact males and females.

If you are having problems, then call Rover Customer at [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] because they have additional search capabilities.


As everyone said, it's hard to filter out options, but I can :)