
Where can I buy Rover signs to advertise my services?

Where can I buy Rover signs to advertise my services? I noticed that the Rover store no longer has yard signs, car magnet signs, business cards, hats and other promotional materials. Is Rover being taken over by another company and changing the name??
My yard sign is over 3 years old and needs to be replaced.
If there is no longer official business promotional materials to be purchased, do I just go out on my own to name my own business?
Please tell me if Rover is just changing printers, or why these items are not available. I am anxious that my dog sitting business future could be affected. Sincerely, Susan BG

1 Answer

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The Rover store has always been run by a 3rd party company and the selection of items to purchase has been decreasing over time. I'd bet not many items are purchased so the store is probably a money loser for them, and the prices have always been very high, delivery very long, and quality is questionable.

Many folks go to VistaPrint for their marketing materials because they are less expensive, have a larger selection of items that a customizeable to your needs and have a quick delivery. Hope this helps


thank you. I have been "Downsized" multiple times, and am sensitive to changes that could be detrimental to my continuation with any business. I don't trust any Corporations anymore.