
Is anyone doing Rover Now??

I signed up for Rover Now on demand dog walking and have only seen 2 jobs pop up in the few weeks I've been on, both were very far away, they said "15 miles" which in reality is more like 25 to 30 miles away.

I'm in Austin TX. Just curious if anyone actually uses this service.

I've been with Rover for months without one sitter job, feel like I wasted money here.

4 Answers

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I'm not signed up for Rover Now (formerly called On Demand Dog Walking), but I recall reading someone posted about it.

Add'n: Here's the link of two threads (at Rover's other Q&A Community) :

And another two threads here::

Regarding services in general, sometimes it can be slow getting started with rover clients and January through March is are often the slowest months. I highly recommend you market yourself as many ways as possible. Introduce yourself to pet parents whose paths you cross in the neighborhood, parks, or stores. Ask if you can leave business cards at pet friendly businesses (Online Vista print offers really inexpensive cards you can design and have shipped to you, without the rover logo/branding) . Promote your service on social media.


I did search, I just got a million hits for Rover in general :) It seem pretty inactive, I don't know how long it's been in Austin, but I'm hoping it picks up. Thank you for the links BTW!


I'm in Los Angeles and even here on-demand walking requests are scant. Wag! dominates the on-demand market.


Yes, Wag is constant here too! I'm not South of Austin so I don't see as many close to me, but the closer you get to downtown, the more walks there are with Wag. I was hoping to supplement with Rover :) but the 2 I saw said 15 miles, which we know are much further away but 15 mi is already too far.


I'm in Portland and used to get a ton of Rover Now requests. I turned it off for a few months because I got full, but I had some clients move and turned it back on and there are almost no requests anymore. Like everyone else said, Wag is dominating that field. Rover also changed how Now works since I did it before making it more difficult for walkers to get regular clients through our own profiles so we end up getting paid less which I don't care for...doing Now walks was super helpful in building my profile though. It'll just take some time. You might want to sign up for Wag if the going is too slower


The going is slower than 0. lol I'm already a Wag walker :)


I walk for Rover Now in Seattle. I also utilize the service for my own dog, occasionally. It's true - Wag! dominates the on-demand walking market. (I walk for Wag! as well.) However, I've been trying to spread the word among my clients and friends that Rover's Now service is, I think, superior to Wag's from a dog walkers perspective. I've seen a slow uptick in Rover Now requests. I definitely hope that trend continues, as I truly believe Rover's service is preferable.


I tell clients that too if it comes up. I started to do wag when I first signed up for Rover but decided to only do Rover unless I didn't get enough business. Good to have confirmation that Rover is better for walkers!