
How can I train my 5 month old puppy to stop pooping in her kennel?

Ever since I got her at 9 weeks old, she poops and pees in her kennel. I've tried using a smaller kennel, a larger kennel, taking her bedding away, giving her new/different bedding. It doesn't matter how frequently I take her outside, even at five months old she will poop in her kennel only 40-60 minutes after she's been outside. I tried getting a doggy litter box/puppy pads so at night she could instead be confined to a small area and she could use those if she needed the bathroom but she won't use them. It's like she needs to poop all the time. I'm not sure what else to do, any advice or recommendations are greatly appreciated!


Puppies normally will not poop where they sleep, but if they can find a spot away from where she sleeps they'll use it. Try blocking off a part of the kennel to reducing her space to room around. A good walk before she goes into a kennel will help. Walks do better than just a trip out in the yard

Puppies need to go 20 to 30 minutes after eating or drinking so take them out then and walk. And don’t feed or drink right before going ito a crate. A schedule will also help so puppy knows when he gets to go out.

3 Answers

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For every month your puppy is in age, that's about how long they can go without using the bathroom. So 2.5 months is roughly 2 hours. She's going to have to pee and poop more regularly than an adult dog but ensuring that she's in some sort of routine can immensely help. One of my client's dogs used to poop in the home almost daily until her owner started feeding her an hr before she left and ensured she pooped before leaving. There were still bad days of course, but between developing a regular schedule and following her vet's suggestion in adjusting her diet I rarely walk in to any more messes. I'd start there for any puppy or dog who needs to be properly housebroken.

Meanwhile, consider adding a puppy pad to the kennel (get a bigger kennel if she can't get away from where the pad is to sleep, you don't want her lying in a mess). Also if you can't find the time to let her out at the right time or she doesn't poop in the morning, consider hiring a walker or having someone let her out to help you figure out when she's needing to relieve herself and maybe why. Best of luck.


Both comments are right in that you should not only continue to block off part of the kennel (there should be enough room for the puppy to stand, turn around, and lay down), you should also consider developing a schedule. Take your puppy out immediately after eating, again 30 minutes after, and right before going into the kennel. Take your puppy out immediately after she wakes up. Don't make your puppy wait, they can't hold it very long! In my experience, it is sometimes better to hold the puppy from the carrier to going outside. If the distance is too far, they might squat on the way to the door. If your puppy is only 5 months old, I would recommend making sure she gets to go out at least every 5 to 6 hours. This might mean you need to wake up earlier to take her out. A general rule of thumb is they can only hold it for an hour of every month of age plus one. This doesn't mean your puppy might not be able to hold it longer, or she might need to go out more frequently, but it is a good basis to start from and figure out what works best for you and her! I hope this helps!


It could be various reasons, but a good thing to do and already mentioned, is to take a dog on a brisk walk. You want to stimulate the bowels to move that poop! Then it will only be a matter of time. When she goes potty outside, give huge praise AND a treat immediately. It has to be just after she's done, so she can make the connection. Hopefully that will help!


This too. Exercise always helps!