
Any idea why I would stop receiving notifications?

Just wondering if I'm missing something obvious... was getting daily requests for a while, but I haven't heard anything since my last booking almost two weeks ago. I'm pretty new here so it might be something as simple as no business, I guess.

1 Answer

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The winter months prove to be the slow season for pet care providers, but it does depend a lot on where you live and what services you offer. I searched Far Southwest for walkers, and you seem to be on the higher rate side than most of your competition, but you did show up on page 1 of the search results. Don't be distracted by those that seem to charge more, they probably don't get many walks, but get boarding requests. Best of luck going forward.


Thanks for the advice, I knew to expect a winter drought but I went from at least one every day to nothing for two weeks :) Have a good one and thanks again for looking into it.