
Can other sitters be contacted?

Is it possible to reach out to other sitters about their experiences with certain dogs? I am wondering if there are other opportunities to get insight on dogs other then from their owners.

3 Answers

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The answer is no. While sitters do submit reviews of dogs, no one except Rover staff has access to them, unlike the public reviews of sitters by clients.

Numerous sitters have mentioned in this forum their desire to access dog reviews, but it seems doubtful that will ever occur.

As for reaching out to other sitters, that would require a great deal of investigative work as there is no easy way to find out--without asking the owner--if they've used another Rover sitter. The only way would be to look at the reviews of every single sitter in your area to see if you can find the owner's name on a review. Like I said, a great deal of work.


Hey Jackie, at this time you can't reach out to other sitters without sending them a request. To make sure the dog is a good fit always do a meet and greet so you can meet them in person before booking the stay.


Sitters are able to rate the dog sitting experience in the same way that the dogs owners rate their experience with rover. I am not sure if you can see if the dog has been rated when you accept the request but I always rate dogs that stay at my home!