

How do handle a little more protective dog when entering a home? I had my first walking appointment with 2 new dogs today and the large German Shepherd/Husky mix was very alarming when I tried to walk in. The owners told me they bark a lot and are very in your face as you walk in but are fine once they are outside. That part was true and once we were outside he was fine with me. But as I walked in he was trying to bite me, scratch me, and got my nose a little (i'm not very tall). Once I got them on leashes it was fine. I realize I am basically a stranger walking in their home as I have only met them once before the appointment. He was just protecting the house, I get that. But it does concern me and make me nervous.

I am a little nervous for the next time I walk them. How do I help the more protective one once I walk in the house? Is there a body language I need to convey to him or something like that? I'm sure it will be somewhat better next time as he is a little more aware of me now.

I would appreciate any advice or suggestions! Thank you!

2 Answers

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My golden rule is to remain calm and allow the dog(s) to approach me and I also have treats in my hands if they don't know me well. I also call our their names as soon as I open the door. I'd bet after a few more visits the dog(s) will be eagerly waiting for you at the door. Best of luck


In my experience the best thing to do is address them by their names and ask them if they want to go for a walk. Using their names will make them stop and question if they know you. And will also help assure them that since you know their names you must be a friend. And most dogs know what happens when you say walk and will get excited about it. Hope this helps good luck!