
Does Rover syncing new events to Google Calendar take a long time?

I've added my Rover calendar to my Google calendar and it's incredibly helpful to have them linked. However, I've noticed that it doesn't always update new events and I can't tell why. Earlier this evening I schedule a Meet & Greet for tomorrow and it hasn't shown up yet on the calendar - it's been over 6 hours!

Is this normal? Is there something manual I need to do to force the sync?

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It's been a while since I have scheduled a M&G but if memory serves me right it does not create a calendar event for your calendar. But typically sync'ing to a 3rd party calendar happens pretty quickly, sometimes in minutes.


Great question. I just secured my first booking and checked my Google calendar after syncing it. It appears that it is not immediate. I've contacted support to find out if there's a lag time. I'll follow up when I get an answer.

it certainly is an area they can improve upon as other apps/services are able to do so immediately.