
Has a Pup visitor ever saved you???

Luna is one of our very regular visitors, and we love her!.. This last time, after a few nights I started getting horrible pains during the night, I had lo leave our room and go to another bedroom and scream and cry until I could get to sleep. Every night, Luna would go to my husband and lick his face until he woke up so he would go help me. When her Dad came to get her it was the first time she definitely did not want to leave.....she kept looking at me, she knew I was very ill.

Immediately, when she left, I called my Dr, Went in and ended up in the hospital for an emergency surgery...….I had blockage and a gall bladder in such bad shape I was lucky it did not explode. I let the hospital four days later with no gall bladder...…...Luna tried to save me!!!!!

3 Answers

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What an amazing pup! I'm chronically ill and my walker hound always knows when something isn't right with her momma. I'm glad everything worked out for you & you're ok.


Dogs are aware when something's going on. But if you are in pain, you should always go to ER or call an ambulance! Don' t risk your life!


That's an awesome story and glad you had a good outcome.