
Do you have a form for the owners to fill out before drop in pet sitting?

Hi. Do other pet sitters out there have a form for the owner to sign before sitting? Emergency numbers, pets info, house info (trash day, mail location/key, plant watering, blinds open/close, tv/radio on)? Thanks


Yes! It adds a professional touch (and drives home the point this is a business). They don't have to sign, but complete and bring when services are rendered. Covers behavioral/health/ plus a few others. I don't do drop-ins but IMO a form for those would def be a must have.

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Yes, I have created a form that I give clients at our M&G. They fill it out and bring it with when they drop off their dog for boarding. I ask for all the basic, contact, emergency and behavioral info that I require. You can easily create one yourself--and there are online/paperless ways to do this as well--by searching for such forms online. I got ideas from various boarding facilities' intake forms.