
Will my Rover 1099 include SS (FICA) deductions?

I need to contribute to social security this year. Will the 1099 I receive from Rover show deductions for FICA? I can't seem to find this answer anywhere on Rover. Thanks very much, Janet Gilliland

2 Answers

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First of all, you probably won't get a 1099 from Rover or Paypal. Neither of those companies is going to deduct anything for taxes or FICA. You have to do it yourself. You should read up on the IRS' website about the requirements for independent contractors and/or consult a tax professional.

Here is Rover's guidance on taxes:


Hi Janet, To answer your question, no Rover does not deduct for FICA.

However, If you make over $600 through Rover in a year, Yes Rover will send you a 1099. The 1099 will only have your earnings listed under "Nonemployee Compensation"


1099's are only sent by Rover if you earn more than $600 and are paid by check, if you take your earnings by PayPal you get nothing