
What should I do about dog drinking water from outside?

Every time I let my Shih Tzu go in the backyard to use the bathroom, it comes back in with a wet beard. So, he's been drinking outside. Every time it happens, I go outside to check for puddles or any other places where water could be and I find nothing. He isn't dehydrated and clean water is always available. Should I stop letting him go in the backyard?

2 Answers

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I would still let the pup go outside, I’d just maybe spy from a window or something to see where he/she is getting into the water, 007 style lol, so you can remove or block the source, otherwise I’d just go outside with the dog. Good luck


You need to remove the water source as it may contain bacteria that may cause your pup to get sick and I would also leash walk him vs just letting in the yard.