
Best ways to advertise / promote my profile?

What are some of the best ways to get my profile traffic? I've been thinking about dropping business cards off at vet offices near me, I've also posted my profile on my instagram. I have 4 reviews on my profile, I've been active on the site for a little less than a week. Any tips on getting my name out there / promoting my business?

2 Answers

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Welcome to Rover and lots of luck. Vets are more receptive to accepting your card and recommending you if you already have a relationship with them. Nextdoor can be a good resource but not all group admins will allow pet sitting posts but some do. Craigslist costs $5 to post but many sitters report all they receive is SPAM. Join lots of local area facebook groups they can be a great promotional avenue. And many sitters resort to posting tear-off flyers on local bulletin boards, libraries, pet stores and Starbucks. Visit dog parks and if you engage potential clients be sure to have biz cards handy. Best of luck


Following- I made my profile about 3 weeks ago, not one single request! I live in a very busy area too so I want to know what is causing me not to receive any requests.