
What do you do if you are constantly meeting client more than halfway?

What do you do if the owner assumes you will meet them for every meet and greet at their house? For example, the owner told me to drop his dog off at his apartment without him being home (I have a key to his apartment as I walk his dog daily). I always offer to pick up and drop off his dog.


You can always use the Stride app and keep track of your mileage for taxes too

2 Answers

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Your rates don't show transportation rate charge, so you could add it to your services. Since you offered to pick up and drop off his dog, then I'd recommend you do Not ask him to pay for that service as I think he would be caught off guard. For someone who books you daily, it may be best to consider it as something you do to strengthen the relationship loyalty, and it also allows you more flexibility in some ways, rather than waiting around somewhere for the dog & his owner to come to you.


Meet and greets should be held at the location the service is being rendered. If you are boarding the M&G should be at your home, if you are doing drop-ins, walks, or house sitting the M&G should be at the owners home.

Deciding if you pick up or drop off a client is a personal decision and you could ask the client to increase the booking amount to account for your time and effort. Best of luck