
What is a permanent Rover number. Will it call an owner's phone?

What is a permanent Rover number Will it call an owner's phone?

4 Answers

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According to my profile page, using the Rover number should call an owner's phone. Here is what it says on my screen:

You may call Kathy's permanent Rover number anytime:

(858) 256-xxxx

Kathy may call your Rover number:

(anytime, once you have booked a stay, never)

Change your calling settings for new clients


I also had a similar question to this. Yes, it will automatically go right to the owners phone. Also, if you text the Rover number, your texts will show up in your messages to that person in your inbox/messages. Personally, I have had some issues with getting through to some people on the phone with this number. Sometimes it rings and sometimes it just hangs up right away. I think from now on I will make sure I always ask for their personal number at the meet and greet so I don't run into this issue again.


I think it was intended to protect your privacy since calls and texts to the number forward to your phone and you don't have to give out your real number.

I have three issues with this system:
1- Caller ID shows a call from someone in California. Since I'm in Oklahoma, I ignored the first few calls and almost missed out on a booking.
2- Only the phone number registered in the client's account can call and get transferred. For one booking, the wife set up the account, but her phone was dieing, so her husband called and it wouldn't go though.
3- If someone is trusting me with their dog (or even access to their home), I think I can trust them fully with my personal phone number.


I ALWAYS exchange numbers with the family once a stay is booked. I save it in my phone under the dogs name :) for future stays.