
Are private, verified reviews calculated to the # of stars on profile?

As a pet owner looking for a sitter - I'm realizing that many pet parents are probably less likely to post negative public reviews. When a review is sent privately is it calculated into the sitters average visible on the profile?


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A review can only be given after a verified stay has been completed. There are also testimonials which are references given by family, friends, colleagues, and private clients but do not give any stars. The closest to a private review that may happen would be a follow up message from the client to the sitter letting them know of any problems experienced and suggestions for future bookings, but those messages wouldn't be considered a review, and also wouldn't be visible on a sitters page or have stars. I suppose you could also be thinking about a client calling or contacting Rover directly and letting them know of any issues, however that also wouldn't be a review, so no review posted and no stars. I hope this helps!