
do you provide special discount for long term (>40 nights) service?


Do you provide special discount for long term (>40 nights) service?


Moti V


30 anything over 30 days reduce to on holiday rate if hiday. If not holiday I reduce by 6%.

2 Answers

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I support what Karen posted, with a planned 40-night stay you may find a sitter who will offer a slight discount, but I'd never accept a first-time dog for that long without a trial stay, in the long run it will be better for you, the dog and the sitter. Best of luck


Rover dose not set rates or rules. Every sitter here is independent and sets her/her own rates and rules.

Rates are posted in the sitter's profile. Click on Additional Rates to see if there is an extended stay discount. Not all do--I don't--and that is their right and preference. You will need to go through profiles and contact ones you like that offer such discounts.

Because your stay is so long, sitters may be hesitant to accept without a shorter trial period. Good luck!