
Does anyone know a way to block certain sitters from showing up in availability?

I sometimes end up spending hours looking for what I need, and it would be useful to block people you know will not work (like they talk about having cats in their bio, but they didn't mark the "no cats" box in their profile for search purposes). Frustrating!

Would also be nice to better understand why (without changing my seek parameters) different people pop in and out of the offerings during the same search day without much map movement. AND while my perfect central location is always in view, sometimes people show up and sometimes they don't. It's like Rover is masking or promoting certain sitters?

2 Answers

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Sorry, there isn't a way to block specific sitters from showing up in searches. Based upon the individual sitter's calendar availability different ones may show up when you search. Also, recently posted reviews may elevate a specific sitter and Rover does give newer sitters higher rankings for a brief period of time to help them acquire a few clients. How the search algorithm works really can't be easily explained, and as you can imagine also frustrates the sitter community.

What I do recommend is when you find a sitter you may consider click on the heart symbol at the bottom right of each sitters profile you see in the search window, this saves it to your favorites that you can easily see when you log on to the Rover platform. Best of luck


Thank you for your response. I’ve marked the hearts, but that not really very useful while going through the sorting process. Sigh.


The best answer you can get will come from Rover. I'd encourage you to contact them.
Customer Support 888-453-7889

There's a algorithm behind the scenes that impacts the order in which sitters and walkers show up (referred to as ranking, and all the factors are not shared, but sitters and walkers (especially those of us with pets that have also been in your shoes doing a provider search) share that frustration.


Thanks for taking the time to respond. I’ve recently reached out to customer support for another search reason and their “support” was less than stellar. Took a WEEK after my phone call to get a simple answer and now I’m waiting for another reply to their vague “answer”.

their answers will always be vague