
I am moving states. How do I correctly manage my profile?


As the title says, I will be moving states in early August. I will be out of state for six months, for a super rigorous internship, so as of now, I have myself marked unavailable for that whole time. The issue is, after the internship, I likely will not be returning to the state I originally moved from. I have no idea how to manage this on my profile. There is no way I can reflect on my calendar that I will be available at another location for a little while. I do not want to deactivate my account because this is something I love, and depending on how the internship goes, I may actually have more free time than expected, and thus able to still have my Rover business on the side.

I am really at a loss on how to navigate this. Does anyone have support or advice on how to do this and still manage my Rover business?

1 Answer

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There's really not much you can do until you know where you are going to and when. For the time being, mark yourself as AWAY. When you know where you are going to live and when, change your address in the profile settings and update the calendar with availability starting whenever you'll be there.