
How to add to over night/day rate?

Is there a way to set up your rates based on when the dog is dropped off and picked up? Say a dog is dropped off before noon one day, stays overnight and is picked up the next night? Shouldn't it be 2 day rates plus an overnight? thanks!

2 Answers

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It's good you've found out the dropoff and pickup times. But the key is to modify the booking before it is paid by the client. You could easily do it, especially since you already offer daycare. That extra time could be charged as daycare. You would tell the client that you need to modify their booking to account for the overtime. With one night's charge, the dog would need to be picked up by no later than [whenever it was dropped off]. Since the dog is staying all day and into the evening, they would incur a daycare charge. Rover's guidelines state one night equals up to 24 hours of care.

While it would be fabulous to require customers to input dropoff and pickup times and have a billing invoice generated on those times, so many sitters here have their own rules and variations to be practicable.


The platform doesn't support what you are asking for. When a new client booking arrives you should discuss drop off and pick up times at the meet and greet, if the time is what you outlined in your question it would be 1.5days or 2 full days of boarding, as a new sitter you set your own policy rules on what you wish to charge. I discuss what the time and charge will be at the meet and greet and get the client to agree and accept your charge. Once they do I modify the booking and then accept