
Why is my stay showing as both booked and unbooked?

I'm currently ending the first day of my first dog-sitting visit! As I put the pup to sleep though, I can't help but notice that while it shows up as my active stay and is on my calendar! However, in my inbox it and the messages still exists with a "book now" button and says "until the request is booked or archived, you may not appear in search for these dates."

Is this normal? Should I click archive or book? Would that respectively affect the status of the active stay or double charge my host?

Any answers would be appreciated!


2 Answers

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Sounds like a glitch to me as it recently also happened to me. I would archive and move on


I would guess either a glitch or a double request. Since you have a paid/confirmed stay you are working on now, just archive the 2nd one like Walt suggested. If it's a glitch you should get an error message back so closing and reloading the app should fix it, or it'll archive the 2nd request so it won't display anymore.