
What do you do when pet owners book you for animal(s) they tell you about, then at the meet and greet they give you instructions for 5 more animals they didn't mention? I went in expecting 2 dogs, found 2 dogs + 5 large birds each in their own cages?

While they were giving me instructions on how to care for the 5 birds they did not give me the impression that they thought it would be any additional effort, which of course, it is. I set my rate at $26/night for the first dog and $20 for the second so I get $36.80/day for 7 animals?? It costs more than that to board 1!

2 Answers

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I would let them know that in order for you to be able to care for their birds, and in order for the birds to be covered by Rover's insurance, each bird needs to be added to the reservation. Then decide how much you want to charge for each bird and communicate that. Hopefully the owners understand that the care of 5 large birds is extra work and will take you significantly longer than just the 2 dogs!

In the future when owners have surprise pets at M&G, you can say "oh, I didn't realize you also had [insert extra pets]. Just so we're all covered under Rover's insurance, we'll need to add them to your profile as well. My rate for each additional pet is [$X], so once you add them to the reservation I will update the quote!"

Your time and service are worth this, so don't be afraid to talk to the owners!


Birds, farm animals, and a long list IS NOT COVERED BY THE ROVER INSURANCE


I would approach the client about an additional charge to care for the birds, but how long will it take, 5-10 minutes each day??


I've had birds before. Changing the paper at the bottom of the cages, brushing out the chaff from the seeds they ate from all over the cage. They need to be let out, and will 100% poop on things. Also at this size I'm afraid for my fingers, birds don't warm up to strangers like dogs do.

Also they can be incredibly loud, annoying, and stressful